Conversation Starters
Cats are better than dogs.
Pineapple is the best pizza topping.
All workers and all students should wear uniforms.
Video games should be banned until you're an adult.
Kids shouldn't have phone until they're adults.
You should always tell the truth.
People should be paid to go to school.
Swear words should be illegal.
Pirates are cooler than ninjas.
DC is better than Marvel.
Pepsi is better than Coke.
Films are getting better and better every year.
Films and TV shows are better than books.
Teenagers are lazy.
You don't need to go to university to be successful.
Music is getting worse.
Phones should be banned in schools.
Parents should be allowed to look at their kids' phones.
Teachers should be replaced by computers.
Homework should be banned.
Students should be paid to go to school.
School should start later in the day.
You should be allowed to start work at whatever time you want.
Two is the perfect number of children to have.
TV is good for children.
Being tall is better than being short.
Morning people (early birds) are more productive than night people (night owls).
TikTok is the best social media platform.
Money is better than friends.
We should only work four days per week.
Students should be allowed to eat in class.
Reality TV is harmful to children.
Teenagers should tell their parents everything.
Personality is more important than looks.
Diet pills are the future of health and fitness.
Online bullying is worse than traditional bullying.
Tattoos should be illegal for teenagers.
Boys and girls should be taught separately.
There should be no age restriction on alcohol.
Yearly check-ups at the doctor's should be compulsory for everyone.
Reading is a waste of time.
It should be mandatory to volunteer at a hospital/charity etc.
Having a mobile phone should be a basic human right.
Attending school shouldn't be mandatory.
Going to a restaurant is the best idea for a date.
Therapy should be mandatory.
Sex education should be taught in school.
Your childhood changes your life forever.
Owning a car is not essential.
Facebook is for old people.
Smoking should be banned.
AI is going to take all of our jobs.
Online shopping is going to replace regular shopping.
We should stop coal mining and oil drilling at once.
Life was better before any technology was invented.
The best way to learn a language is to watch Netflix.
The pension system in my country works perfectly.
My country is a good place to do business.
Art, drama and music shouldn't be taught in schools.
Buying a car is a waste of time.
Music is better than watching film and TV.
A positive mindset can solve all your problems.
We don't spend enough time outdoors.
Failure can be a positive thing.
Communication is the most important thing in a relationship.
Real estate is the best way to make money.
Art is a waste of time.
Artificial intelligence will eventually surpass human intelligence.
We should prioritise colonising another planet over solving Earth's problems.
Privacy is an outdated concept in the digital age.
Automation will eventually make most jobs obsolete.
Universal basic income is the solution to poverty.
Competitive sports should not be offered in schools.
The concept of money is outdated and needs to be replaced.
Genetic engineering should be used to enhance human traits.
Imprisonment should be focused on rehabilitation, not punishment.
Certain historical figures should be removed from history books.
The concept of beauty standards is harmful to society.
Strict food regulations stifle culinary innovation.
Streaming services are killing the cinema industry (and it's a good thing).
Reality TV shows are a positive influence on pop culture.
Advancing technology is making human interaction obsolete.
The education system needs a complete overhaul to meet the needs of the 21st century.
Prison doesn't work for society.
We should all switch to renewable energy, even if it's more expensive.
Student loans should be forgiven.
Zoos should be converted into wildlife sanctuaries.
Creativity and problem solving should be taught in schools.
Working from home is bad for everyone.
Strict environmental regulations don't work if we want to help the environment.
Anonymity online encourages bad behaviour.
There should be no core subjects at school. Everyone should be able to study whatever they want.
Public libraries should be replaced with websites/applications so everyone can access them.
We should avoid trying to invent time travel.
The Mona Lisa is overrated.
Modern music isn't real music.
Sleep is a waste of time.
Professional athletes don't contribute anything to society.
Trade schools and apprenticeships are better than universities.
The "gig economy" takes advantage of workers.
There should be a wealth tax on the rich.
We should colonise as many planets as possible.
We should encourage polygamy.
People shouldn't be allowed to pass on any inheritance.
It's OK for the government to monitor citizens' online activities.
It is the goal of the human race to live as long as possible.
The meaning of life is to have a family.
We should invent time travel to rectify our mistakes.
Love isn't real.
Automation and robots will destroy all jobs.
You should keep a journal.
Teenagers complain too much.
Eurovision is the best singing competition.
Every country should have their own currency.
Inflation isn't that important.
Electric cars are the future of transport.
Riding electric bikes / e-bikes is "cheating".
Bitcoin is the future of money.
Space travel is the future of tourism.
Social media isn't good for you.
Taxis are not good for the environment.
Cyber security isn't taken seriously enough.
Streaming services are a waste of money.
Genetic editing should be banned.
Humans will one day integrate with technology.
The discovery of oil was the worst thing for humanity.
By banning things such as alcohol and cigarettes, this makes teenagers want them more.
You should never spoil your children.
University should be free.
People don't spend enough time outdoors.
Being famous is bad.
Once in the "friend zone", you cannot escape.
The newspaper/magazine business is dying.
The more friends you have, the better.
Time travel would solve all of our problems.
Buying presents for people is a waste of time.
Unless you're good at them, subjects such as art and music are a waste of time.
Eyesight is the most important sense.
Instead of going to space, we should focus on problems on Earth.
Robots will replace everything that we do.
Funerals shouldn't be sad events.
Summer is the best season.
We're probably living in a simulation.
Life is easier for attractive people.
Arguments are a healthy part of any relationship.
Dating between co-workers shoulder be banned.
E-Sport isn't a real sport.
Beauty pageants are terrible for children's self-esteem.
Climate change is the biggest threat to humanity.
The death penalty doesn't work.
Animal testing should be banned.
We should get rid of minimum wage.
Governments should focus on their own citizens and not on other countries.
Public service should be mandatory.
All teachers should get tenure.
Homeschooling is better than traditional schooling.
Universities should be free.
Standardised testing is the only fair way to test students.
We should all be vegetarians.
Free healthcare should be available in every country.
We should avoid using nuclear energy.
All countries should try to be like the Scandinavian countries.
We should focus on problems on Earth rather than in space.
Every day should be 420.
Companies and schools should provide therapy for all their employees and students.
The death penalty doesn't deter crime.
GMO crops should be banned.
Citizens should have the right to not share their data.
Animal testing should be banned.
It should be mandatory to learn another language.
Capitalism is the best economic system we have.
Animals should not be used in film, TV or any sort of performances.
The education system in my country needs a complete overhaul.
Superhero stories are old and unoriginal.
Governments should focus on attracting tourists from within the country rather than from outside the country.
Folding laundry is a waste of time.
Taking a shower is overrated.
Money can't buy happiness.
The concept of retirement is outdated.
International travel should be mandatory for high school graduation.
Anonymous online reviews are more harmful than helpful.
Art created by artificial intelligence is just as valid as human-made art.
Video games can be just as educational as traditional textbooks.
The five-day workweek is no longer efficient and should be shortened.
Success is more about luck and circumstance than hard work.
Fast food restaurants should be held more accountable for the health impacts of their products.
Professional athletes are overpaid.
Humans will have relationships with robots more in the future.
International borders should be completely open.
Patriotism can be a dangerous form of nationalism.
Alternative medicine should be take more seriously.
Sanctions don't work.
Focusing on emotional intelligence is more important than traditional IQ tests.
Robots are the future!
We should get rid of retirement.
The idea of "work-life balance" is outdated.
AI won't come for my job.
Fast food franchises are not to blame for obesity.
We should have a global currency.
Differences in cultures help to bring us together.
Globalisation is ruining cultures.
You should be able to wear whatever you want to school/work.
We should encourage people to take more holidays in autumn.
Talking to your friends is a great way to help solve a problem.
Whistling is an annoying habit that we should ban.
Buying clothes for the brand makes no sense.
You should work out outdoors, not in the gym.
Everyone has a special talent.
Restaurants are overrated.
Caffeine should be banned for people under 18.
Humans should evolve with technology. It's the next stage of evolution.
Plastic should be banned.
Collective well-being is more important than individual freedom.
Reducing inequality is more important than economic growth.
Everyone should have the same standard of education.
Free will is an illusion.
We are alone in the universe.
Time didn't exist before the Big Bang.
Languages will eventually disappear.
There is no universal moral code.